Saturday, April 28, 2012

Reporting in

Now that the 'recipe of the week' has taken a break, I thought I better put fingers to the keypad and say hello.

So what's been happening in the BOGOF household. Hardly anything really.

Things on the medical front are pretty quiet. I've been trying to find an orthopaedic consultant who's willing to have a go at my hip. However as soon as they read my 'War and Peace' notes, they run away scared.

At the beginning of this month I was due to have surgery on my hand for my carpal tunnel syndrome. However that's on hold until occupational therapy and physiotherapy can stop fighting over who's responsible for arranging help for me to walk. Until they stop their squabbling I can't have the op done....

It's only seven weeks till our cruise. Yippee !!!!

That, I'm afraid, is all the news I can think of. We do lead such exciting lives.....


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