Thursday, October 29, 2009

Not MORE surgery

Once again we would both like to say a big “Thank You” for all your good wishes over the last seven weeks – yes, it’s seven weeks to the day since Marie was admitted.

Marie’s wound is showing no sign of sealing up. It’s only a trickle plus the occasional rush, but even a trickle means no going home. So they’re trying a different approach.

It would seem that you need muscle to mop up the fluids, and to replace muscle damaged by the infection, the next step is a muscle graft. There is an expert in that field available, but he works in Durham, so there is a possibility of a transfer to another hospital on the horizon.



Jennysmith said...

Will pray you don't have to go to yet another hospital. Has it really been 7 weeks? good god!

Send her my deepest love xxx

Jan said...

Please pass on our best wishes - we are routing for Marie and hope that things will sort themselves out.

Anonymous said...

Tell Marie to look on it as a source of new cute doctor/nurse totty :o)

And of course, give her some more hugs from us -


silver horde said...

I hope the transfer goes well and the graft is a success. Sending my best wishes.